Creative Brunch Series: Sumi-e Ink Painting
2016.9.25: Sumi-e Painting at Lillstreet, Sunday, September 25th, 2016 11-4 pm Experience the meditative practice of traditional Japanese ink painting, sumi-e, the art of painting using a brush (fude), ink (sumi) and thin, absorbent “rice-paper” (washi). Fundamental brushstrokes will be reviewed and insights into the “way of the brush” will be discussed, while you experiment with your original work.

Patricia Larkin Green Sumi-e Artist
Creative Brunch Series workshops are held in our private event space, Lillstreet Loft, and include a catered brunch. All ages and skill levels are welcome, but guests must be 21+ to participate in adult beverages.
Date: September 25th, 2016 11-4 pm
Chicago, IL 60640